In Hampshire and Isle of Wight, our central focus is on ensuring our residents receive the best possible care and lead independent, healthy lives, as we work ever more closely and collaboratively.
The creation of the Integrated Care Board from 1 July marks a new milestone for the NHS and paves the way for us to transform how we work and to deliver our ambitions for our communities.
Our success will be measured by the improvements we deliver in population health, quality of care and equity of access and this cannot be delivered through a change in organisational structures alone.
Here you can find out more about our Integrated Care Board members.
Details of the next meeting of the Board and meeting papers are available here.
Information on the Register of Interests for Board Members is available here. Previous versions are located within the Board papers, published here. You can contact our Non-Executive Members here.
Chair and Chief Executive
Lena is the Chair of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board. She began her tenure as Chair of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainability and Transformation Partnership in January 2019 and subsequently supported the development of the Integrated Care System as Chair.
Lena began her career as a lecturer in further and higher education and managed a training centre in London for young people at risk of exclusion. Lena has held a number of leadership roles across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight including as a non-executive director with University Hospital Southampton and an associate non-executive director with Isle of Wight NHS Trust. From 2017 to 2022, Lena was Chair of South Central Ambulance Service. She also chairs the NHS South East Regional People Board.
She currently runs a company which has provided communications and training in leadership, human rights and child protection on behalf of organisations such as the National Crime Agency, UNICEF and UN Women. In addition, Lena is a Deputy Lieutenant at Hampshire Lieutenancy.
Maggie MacIsaac is the Chief Executive of NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board. Maggie started her NHS career as a nurse before moving into general management roles. She has a breadth and depth of NHS experience, gained in over 24 years of board level roles working across the NHS: in provider Trusts, commissioning organisations, health authorities and at regional level. Maggie has vast experience across operational delivery and service development and has a track record of delivering improvements in services and outcomes for patients and populations through strong clinical and system partnerships. She led the piloting of one of the country’s first vanguard new care model, using the learning to inform approaches to health and care which exist across England today within Integrated Care Systems.
As NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board Chief Executive, Maggie is responsible for setting the strategic plan for the local NHS to deliver its part of the system’s health and care strategy, allocating NHS resources and working through our partnerships and transformation programmes to ensure the right services are delivered to people in our communities. Maggie is leading the Hampshire and Isle of Wight system on a journey of significant improvement and transformation, working in collaboration with partners to bring greater efficiency and long-term sustainability across services and to improve outcomes for local people.
Deputy Chair and Senior Independent Director
Tim joined the Integrated Care Board in November 2023 and became Deputy Chair in September 2024. He has a strong record in senior university and Board positions, alongside his experience in academic leadership, including 12 years as a Deputy Vice-Chancellor. Tim has experience of strategic development, organisational transformation, innovation and building and embedding an inclusive and nurturing culture in organisations. This sits alongside his track record of governance and assurance experience on national Boards and Committees. He has acted in an advisory and consultative capacity on national body reports and has chaired and presented at national and international policy events. Tim is a Non-Executive Director for Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Chair of AIM Community (an educational charity), Governor of the University for the Creative Arts, and an independent reviewer for the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
Mindy joined the Board in December 2023 and became our Senior Independent Director in September 2024.
Mindy is a skilled Non-Executive Director with experience in the public, voluntary and private sectors. She is currently a Non-Executive Director at Oxford Health Community and Mental Health Foundation Trust where she chairs the People, Leadership & Culture Committee.
Having originally trained as an economist, Mindy specialised in regional economic development and worked extensively in the United Kingdom, Russia and throughout central and Eastern Europe. She also works as an advisor and coach to Boards on questions of strategy, organisation development and digital transformation.
She previously chaired a social care charity through a period of transformation.
Non-Executive Members
Julie is a Registered Nurse with an extensive range of experience in the NHS spanning 40 years. She was previously Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Quality and Caring Services at Marie Curie. Among Julie’s achievements are leadership of a review of clinical governance across the charity, and subsequent implementation of changes to strengthen their approach to assuring quality and managing risk.
Julie was also previously Chief Operating Officer for Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust with responsibility for the operational performance of the hospital, leading the review of clinical services, and facilitating a systematic review of service models. She has also held the roles of Chief Nurse and Chief Operating Officer for East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. Julie’s wide-ranging experience, with a particular focus on quality and clinical governance will be critical in ensuring the Integrated Care Board is focused on continually improving performance and delivering better outcomes for our patients. Julie is Chair of the Integrated Care Board's Integrated Assurance Committee.
Until 2021 Mojgan was Chief Pharmacist and Director of Medicines Optimisation at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, and was previously Chief Pharmacist and Clinical Director of Medicines Optimisation at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.
In 2021 Mojgan took on the role of Corporate Director of Clinical Outcomes and Effectiveness at University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust. She is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Huddersfield; an Associate Non-Executive Director at Gateshead Health NHS; and as a Trustee with the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. She has experience in a range of governor and non-executive director roles, including on the boards of East Midlands Ambulance Service and Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust. Mojgan is Chair of the Integrated Care Board's Primary Care Committee.
Until 2020 Martin was Senior Vice President at NTT DATA, the Tokyo-based professional services business and was specifically accountable for NTT DATA’s Public Services businesses including strategy, growth, programme delivery, and risk and compliance.
Martin has a background in business and technology consulting, and in the delivery of large digital and infrastructure programmes having worked previously for KPMG, Capgemini and BAe Systems Detica in UK and European leadership roles.
Martin was appointed a Civil Service Commissioner on 1st October 2021. Martin is also an experienced Non-Executive Director (NED) and is currently NED and Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee for Achieving for Children, a not-for-profit social enterprise; NED and Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee for Ofsted; and NED and Chair of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee for the NHS Counter Fraud Authority. Martin’s expertise lends itself to supporting the Integrated Care Board to be as effective as possible as well as challenging us to always deliver the best value we can. Martin will Chair the Integrated Care Board Audit Committee.
Executive Members
Martin Sheldon joined us in April 2023 as our Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance Officer. Martin is a highly respected Chief Finance Officer, and has an extensive track record of success as a Board Director in many NHS trusts and foundation trusts within the acute sector, and in commissioning organisations. Most recently, he supported Sussex Integrated Care Board as Chief Finance Officer and for the past eight months has been the Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance Officer for South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Lara Alloway is the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB), as well as the Executive Lead for Children and Young People, Aged 0-25.
Lara will ensure population health management, innovation and research support continuous improvements in health and clinical outcomes for our population.
Together with our Chief Nursing Officer Nicky Lucey, Lara will work with all partners to develop the long-term clinical strategy of the ICB. Together they will also jointly provide high quality clinical and professional leadership and ensure that this is embedded across our system.
Lara joined the ICB as deputy CMO for acute care in October 2022 and was appointed as CMO in August 2023.
She qualified from the University of Southampton in 1995, trained in general medicine in Wessex, later completed palliative medicine specialist training in the South Thames Deanery and was appointed to Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT) as a consultant in palliative medicine in 2005.
Within HHFT she held a number of medical leadership roles within palliative care, cancer, medical services and latterly she was chief medical officer for HHFT until August 2023.
Across all of our services we are committed to continuous improvement to ensure the best possible quality of care. Nicky leads on developing the quality framework for the Integrated Care Board and, through its implementation, ensures that we have a clear focus on quality, safety and patient experience in all that we do. She is also the Executive Lead for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and Executive Lead for Safeguarding (all ages), including looked after children.
Together with our Chief Medical Officer, Nicky works with all partners to develop the long-term clinical strategy of the ICB. Together they also jointly provide high quality clinical and professional leadership and ensure that this is embedded across our system.
Nicky brings fifteen years leadership experience across acute and community providers. She joined us from Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation NHS Trust where she was Chief Nurse and Interim Deputy Chief Executive, and under her nursing leadership took the organisation from a CQC rating of ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’. During her time in a community provider Nicky supported better integration of services in one of the first multi-specialty community provider vanguards.
Key priorities for Nicky and her team this year will be:
- Overseeing implementation of the Ockenden review into maternity services across our acute providers
- Establishing a quality assurance function across Hampshire and Isle of Wight and ensuring it is fit for purpose
- Ensuring all services are fully recruited to and ensuring adequate supply for nursing, midwifery and therapies across the integrated care system
Having a clear vision for our integrated care system is fundamental to helping our teams understand how their role contributes to our collective ambition, as well as ensuring we can be measured on our success. Caroline will take forward the leadership of developing and implementing the strategy for Hampshire and Isle of Wight.
We have some ambitious programmes of work already underway that will help to transform our health and care services including the Hampshire Together programme, and the Isle of Wight sustainability programme. Caroline will lead these and other large scale change programmes, working with system partners to ensure we deliver tangible improvements at pace.
Caroline joins us from Hillingdon Health and Care Partners and brings over a decade of experience in leading transformation programmes, including across multiple organisations. Most recently she has been leading the development of place based care in Hillingdon including the partnership delivery of the covid vaccination programme, which achieved one of the highest uptake rates in London. Caroline has also worked on strategy for the North West London Collaboration of CCGs and at NHS Tower Hamlets led on the delivery of their integrated care programme.
Some of the key priorities that Caroline will be delivering with her team are:
- Leading the development of a five year health and care strategy for Hampshire and Isle of Wight
- Leading and co-ordinating the delivery of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care System Development Plan
- Overseeing the delivery of strategic projects across Hampshire and Isle of Wight including Hampshire Together and the Isle of Wight sustainability programme
Integrated Care Systems have been set up to improve outcomes in population health; tackling inequalities in outcomes, experience and access; enhancing productivity and value for money and supporting broader social and economic development. As Acting Chief Delivery Officer, Dan is responsible for planning to ensure we have the resources to deliver on these priorities.
Dan works with colleagues from across provider organisations to support system operational performance and have oversight of services against national standards. He is also the Executive Lead for Learning Disability and Autism (all age) and for Down Syndrome (all age).
Danny joined our Integrated Care Board in May 2023 from Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, where he was Chief People and Organisational Development Officer. Danny has 20 years of director and Board level experience at a number of acute and mental health Trusts and works to ensure high levels of engagement with colleagues, supporting delivery of continuous improvements for patients and staff.
Partner members
Debbie is currently the Director of Public Health for Southampton City Council, having previously had a consultancy role, where she supported on her specialist areas of child health, health intelligence and health protection. Her career has included many other public health roles following her doctorate in the field, including work with Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Southampton. Debbie led Southampton’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and her strong, empathetic leadership was recognised by many across the health and care system.
Debbie’s expertise will provide a unique lens to the Board and her specialist areas will support us in our work in reducing health inequalities.
Sarah Daly has vast experience of working in children’s services across the south coast, and was appointed as Director of Children, Families and Education at Portsmouth City Council in January 2022. Sarah started her career in Brighton, moving to roles in Sussex and a number of London Boroughs, before coming to Portsmouth in 2019. During this time she has worked in leadership roles covering safeguarding, quality assurance and workforce.
Keith has over 30 years’ experience of public sector leadership and is the Leader of Eastleigh Borough Council. He also serves as a councillor on Hampshire County Council and his local town council in Hedge End.
Keith’s leadership roles have included a range of national and local government appointments, including on the Board of Homes England, and currently with the Local Government Association and on the Board of Public Sector Audit Appointments. He is a Trustee of the Leadership Centre that works across the public sector including with NHS bodies.
Andy has been the Director of Adult Social Care at Portsmouth City Council since March 2021, having worked in senior leadership and management roles for the past 20+ years in adult social care across 3 Local Authorities. Andy chairs the Portsmouth Provider Partnership, the Southeast Association of Directors of Social Services Safeguarding Adults Network and the Portsmouth Prevent Board. Andy is a member of the HIOW Integrated Care Partnership Joint Committee and the Health & Care Portsmouth Executive.
During a 30+ year career in Local Authority social care, across provider and commissioning services, Andy has developed knowledge and experience of how care and support is provided across community and acute services and has worked extensively with elected members from all political parties. Andy's service is based on maintaining strong relationships and collaboration and focusing on the right outcome for residents, through joint and aligned responsibilities. Andy supports a collaborative style of leadership focused on partnership and is a strong advocate for public health principles and the framework for public service that is underpinned by the Nolan Principles.
We will update this area as soon as possible.
Matt qualified from Nottingham University in 1998 and then spent some years as a Royal Naval Medical Officer, serving with the Royal Marines, before qualifying as a General Practitioner in 2008. He has worked as a partner in Dorset and Ringwood before joining the University Health Service Southampton in 2015. Matt is a GP trainer with interests in musculoskeletal medicine and minor ops.
Matt has been a Primary Care Network Director since 2019 and is a clinical leader in Southampton with a particular focus on transformation. During the recent epidemic Matt chaired the covid response reference group for primary care. Matt has also been the Hampshire and IOW representative to the BMA’s General Practice Committee.
Fraser is a GP who lives and works in Southampton. He studied medicine at University of Southampton and worked in University Hospital of Southampton on the medical rotation prior to general practice training.
He has worked as a GP partner in both rural and inner city areas and understands the challenges of both.
As a Primary Care Network Clinical Director he has experience of working with providers to coproduce new services designed to meet the needs of local populations.
Fraser is a GP trainer and has clinical interests in adult mental health, general adult health and prescribing safety.
Matthew is an experienced GP and clinical leader with particular skills in communications and stakeholder management. He has been a GP partner at Crown Heights Medical Centre since 2010, with special interests in sexual health, young people and homeless health. He was appointed as an Associate Clinical Director for North Hampshire CCG in 2016, and has provided clinical and strategic support to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight COVID-19 Vaccine programme since 2019, taking on the role of clinical lead for the programme in 2021.
Matthew has contributed to a culture of innovation in his roles and has sought to champion collaborative working and partnership to achieve this.
Ron has extensive leadership experience with over 20 years as a successful NHS Chief Executive. His career spans varied roles across physical and mental health, inpatient and community settings. He was the Chief Executive at Dorset Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, where he led the organisation to achieve an overall CQC rating of Outstanding, before moving to the role of Chief Executive at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust in 2020.
Ron has a determination to deliver service improvement that is inclusive of all users, and will work with the Board to reduce inequalities and deliver effective partnerships across our system.