
Introduction to Safe Surgeries: Improving access to Primary Care
29th January 10:00-10:45
Everyone has the right to register with a GP, irrespective of their immigration status or any other demographic characteristic. Proof of address and identification are not required. This flexibility helps to safeguard many people in vulnerable circumstances, including those who are homeless, and people seeking asylum and ensures wider access to primary healthcare for everyone. This session will cover why surgeries should become safe surgeries.

Pride in Practice - Primary Care Patient Survey
LGBT Foundation have recently released their 2024 pride in practice patient survey. This survey aims to capture data on patient experiences in primary care, be that at GP practices, dental practices, pharmacies or optometry services. The responses to this survey will be used to support the LGBT Foundation in improving awareness of the experiences LGBTQ+ patients have when using primary care services. Any data shared by the LGBT Foundation for these purposes will be anonymised.

Training Needs Analysis - NHS Staff Only
The Population Health Academy belongs to its members, and we need your help in understanding the learning and development needs of our system. The survey only takes ten minutes to complete and will help us shape our learning and development programme, and create meaningful and interactive communities of practice. Responses will remain anonymous.

Welcome to the Population Health Academy

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Population Health Academy has been designed as a learning space to (i) raise awareness of the NHS role in the delivery of prevention and health inequalities, (ii) to support the NHS in understanding the actions to take and to (iii) support leaders to be a stronger advocate for this agenda. This will support the NHS, working with our partners, to strengthen leadership and accountability for health inequalities and to tackle the avoidable, unfair, and systematic different in outcomes, access and experience between different groups of people.

On this webpage we have included some communities of practice spaces to connect you with others who share a passion for a particular area, a rolling programme of training opportunities which is regularly updated, more information on key NHS prevention and health inequalities initiatives, a set of resources to support you in your work and further information on more specific population health development opportunities.

To find out more about how NHS services in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight are using insight from health and care data to improve outcomes and reduce health inequalities, please visit the population health management page.

Please explore the page and let us know your thoughts of anything else you think would be helpful to include. 

To sign up to our mailing list, scroll down the page to complete the form.

Our Vision

Exceptional quality healthcare for all, ensuring equitable access, excellent experience, and optimal outcomes.

Our Mission

To create a Population Health Academy which inspires, develops, and grows our workforce awareness, actions, and advocacy in improving population health and reducing health inequalities.

Sign up to our mailing list

Become a member of our Population Health Academy and join us in our mission to address health inequalities and drive positive change in health outcomes.

By providing your details below, we will add you to a mailing list where you will receive regular updates on resources, training opportunities and relevant population health updates.



For any queries or questions, or to remove yourself from our mailing list, please email:

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